Battle Nations Wiki

Announced: April 20, 2012

Released: April 27, 2012

  • UNIT PROMOTION: Building your units and specializing your army is now a deeper experience than ever! Engaging in combat enables unit types to be promoted, making them increasingly more powerful on the battlefield. Promote your units as high as Rank 5, so they can deal more damage, stay healthy longer, and even unlock new and unique abilities to decimate the enemy in combat! For full details, as provided by StockOption, see the feature overview HERE!

BATTLE IMPROVEMENTS: There are now even more ways to deal damage and blow stuff up![]

  • Units no longer permanently run out of ammo! They will restock and be able to fire again after a long wait.
  • Heavily armored units, such as Tanks, now have both Armor and HP! Explosives will degrade Armor much faster than bullets.
  • We’ve dramatically improved the Unit Information screen. More stats are being shown for both the Unit and the Weapon they’re using!
  • The enemy can now be suppressed by certain attacks, lowering their accuracy for their next turn.
  • WORLD MAP: We’ve replaced the NPC List with a World View, so that you get a much bigger picture of the Battle Nations world as you’re helping Sheriff Colt or demolishing Gantas’ Fortress!
  • NO, I WANT TO KILL THOSE GUYS! If your friends keep fighting your battles for you, and you’d prefer to take your Empire’s security into your own hands, you can now reject their help and take on the encounters yourself!
  • NEW MILLS: Low on Steel? Wish you could pump out more Concrete? Check out the new Advanced Tier 2 Mills and double your output per day!
  • SPANISH: Battle Nations is now fully localized for Spanish speaking players!
  • I’M SUPER, TANKS FOR ASKING! With this update, you’ll get access to the best tank yet as we introduce the Super Tank! It’s a step up from the Heavy Tank, with two massive barrels ready to blast the enemy right in the face!


