Battle Nations Wiki
MiniTank front
Mini Tank
Affiliation Rebel Army
Unit Type Tank-Metal
Blocking Partial
Base Defense

Damage piercing 75%
Damage crushing 50%

Armor Defense

Damage piercing 25%
Damage crushing 25%
Damage fire 75%

Encounter Lvls 13
Stat-HP HP 85
Stat-Armor Armor 60
Stat-Bravery Bravery 25
Black shield Defense 35
Stat-Dodge Dodge 15
Unit Value 10
Resource-SP SP Reward 40
Gold Gold Reward 200


The enemy Mini Tank is the Rebel Army version of the trainable Mini Tank. Its stats are equivalent to a Rank 1 Mini Tank.


MiniTank shoot attack
Attack Icon UnitAbility tankGun 1shot icon
Targetable Unit Types
Air X mark
LTA X mark
Soldier Yes check
Sniper Yes check
Vehicle Yes check
Tank Yes check
Metal Yes check
Critter Yes check
Civilian Yes check
Sea X mark
Ship X mark
Damage Damage explosive 36-54
Offense 35
Range 1-3
Line of Fire Direct
Cooldown 2 Rounds
Armor Piercing 75%
Suppression Mod x0.5
Crit 5%
Notes -10 Stat-Offense range mod



    Weapon Animation
    Idle MiniTank front idle
    Mini Tank Gun MiniTank front attack
